The story behind Alpaca My Boots centres around Blaenrheon Farm, our traditional working hill farm in the heart of the Brecon Beacons.

Where it all began

We were on the hunt for a new venture that would make the most of the farm’s 280 acres of land, introducing others to the natural beauty of the national park we live and work in. After experiencing (and loving!) alpaca trekking for the first time, we decided to adopt six rescue alpacas to test the idea of running our own alpaca treks.

With time, patience and training, these loveable animals became the perfect walking companions. We gradually introduced more friendly alpacas into our herd, and pretty soon our trekking business was ready to trot!

Things really took off for Alpaca My Boots in July 2020. With lockdown restrictions easing, people were keen for a socially distanced outdoor activity to enjoy with friends. Alpaca trekking was a perfect fit, and we began operating regular 90-minute treks through the stunning landscape that surrounds our farm.

We’re proud to continue introducing the public to the joys of alpaca trekking, while bringing new visitors to the beautiful Brecon Beacons National Park. Our passion for this landscape and its community is one of the key motivators behind Alpaca My Boots – we hope you enjoy experiencing it as much as we love living here.

Of course, alpacas are a big part of the fun too! Whether you’re meeting one of these characterful creatures for the first time or are already a seasoned alpaca trekker, we look forward to welcoming you into our herd of intrepid explorers at Alpaca My Boots.

See you on the farm!